Thailand Project of Seeds Pick up and Place Case Packer Packing Machine

Incazelo emfushane:

Idizayinelwe isikhwama sembewu saseThailand I-Pick and Place Case Packer(umshini wokupakisha webhokisi lamabhokisi erobhothi), sinikeze i-3-Axis Robot yokuphatha imikhiqizo.


Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

Omaka bomkhiqizo

Incazelo yevidiyo:

Idizayinelwe imbewu ye-Thailand Khetha bese Ubeka Ikesi Packer(i-robotic case packer),sinikeze i-3-Axis Robot yokuphatha imikhiqizo

1.isikhwama isisindo 5kg,4bags ngekesi ngalinye

2.irobhothi ligijima 10times/min



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